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Privacy statement travel agency I.D.

  1. Basis

    This privacy statement concerns all persons, which use the services of Reisebüro I.D. Handelskai 94-96/10/4, 1200 Wien. We are hereby informing you of the type, extent and purpose of the capture and use of your personal data by our company. We respect your privacy and are committed to precisely following the legal requirements for the processing of your personal data (EU regulation no. 679/2016 (GDPR), DSG 2000, DSG 2018 and TKG 2003). All your personal data is processed on this basis.

    Mag. Astrid Frisch, Reisebüro I.D. Handelskai 94-96/10/4, 1200 Wien office(at)id-incoming(dot)at is responsible for the processing of data and is also the protection coordinator. By using our services and providing your consent in accordance with this declaration, you confirm that you are 18-years or above and are able to give valid consent, or you have provided us with a valid declaration of consent from your legal guardian or solicitors.
  2. Information in accordance with Art 13 GDPR

    Your personal data, particularly your
    —     master data (last name, first name, address, email address, telephone number),
    —      the data contained in your travel documents (passport number, passport data, date of birth, issuing authority, expiration date), 
    —     data regarding payment type and pertaining to payments, in particular EC-cards, credit cards and bank cards,
    —     destinations, hotels, length of stay, contact persons, conditions, special services, -  medical data, frequent flyer number and 
    —     special data categories such as medical data and data regarding special requirements or marital-/partnership,

    are required for our services. In particular, these include bookings pertaining to travel, guides, hotels, restaurants, rental vehicles, transfers, insurance, events, tickets, tours, vouchers - including customer system, invoicing and checking thereof (B2B, B2C, FIT).

    For these purposes, this data is saved, processed and, if needed, transferred to third parties - including service providers in other countries for the purpose of processing travel bookings, software and agency services.

    You agree to transfer your personal data to
    —     Reisebüro I.D., Handelskai 94-96/10/4, 1200 Wien (Marketing & Accounting)
    —     Service providers for processing travel bookings,
    —     Online booking platforms

    for the purpose of processing and savings which are needed for answering your requests, sending offers and arrange booking arrangements. 

    The legal foundations for these data processing procedures are
    —     the fulfilment of our pre-contractual and contractual obligations to yourself,
    —     consent declarations obtained from yourself,
    —     statutory, contractual or other legal obligations (e.g. documentation rights and obligations as per finance and accounting, tax and customs regulations, contract administration, reporting regulations, legal disputes) as well as Art. 96 TKG and
    —     our legitimate interests (e.g. the betterment of our client services, also within the scope of direct advertising or the perception of our own legal interests).

    The length for which the data is saved is calculated in accordance with the length of our business relationship, the declarations of consent, as provided by yourself, as well as the statutory requirements to preserve records and legal obligations, which apply to our business. In case of regular business and in the interest of optimum client services, we must stress that we are committed to knowing your previously submitted customer wishes so well, that we can provide lasting and on-going customer satisfaction.  
  3. Webpage

    Your access data is automatically captured and saved when you access our webpage. This access data can include which webpage you accessed, any viewed documents, date and time of access, IP address of the user, data of the pc used for access, particularly the browser and operating system as well as data size and the successful access notification, in particular. We use this access data for internal statistical purposes to guarantee the reliability of our presence and improve it. The access data will be used for evidence preservation in case of suspicion of illegal activity. 

    By entering your personal data into one of our contact forms, you acknowledge that it is saved and processed by us for the duration of this concrete enquiry. This applies to the enquiries you submit via emails and our online-booking platform in particular. We need this data to process your enquiry and also save your IP address, in these cases, for evidence preservation. The data is saved provided it is required to aid with potential supplementary or follow-up questions by you or us. The legal basis for this data processing is your declaration of consent, our pre-contractual and contractual obligations to you, our legitimate interests and legal requirements of any kind and Art. 96 TKG.

    The content of our website has been carefully curated and repeatedly checked, however we cannot be held accountable for the topicality, validity and scope of the supplied information. Damage claims pertaining to use or non-use of the information or by using false or incomplete information is excluded. All offers are subject to change and are considered non-binding. We reserve the right to change, supplement, delete or temporarily or entirely unpublish the website or parts thereof without prior notice. The content and the coding of our website are protected by copyright and ancillary copyright laws. Every reproduction - even in part - and publication, in particular copying of texts, graphics and photos is forbidden, without obtaining our prior written approval. 
  4. Transferring to third parties/ obligations of processors

    In consideration of permissible purposes (e.g for our electronic advertisements in the form of newsletters),
    —     your personal data may be passed on to company-internal processors,
    —     who have committed to complying with the valid data protection standards, or
    —     to third parties, who have been contacted to provide your requested services (e.g. foreign booking procedures of any kind).

    Should it not be possible to comply with European data protection standards - for instance because in specific cases standard contractual clauses, arrangements or certifications can’t be guaranteed - then we will notify you in a timely manner and will obtain the necessary permission from you. For more information please contact us under office(at)id-incoming(dot)at.
  5. Tracking services & Google Analytics

    We also use third party content on our website, in order to curate the most informative and comfortable web experience for you. This includes e.g. Google Maps, RSS feeds or Youtube. Due to technical reasons, these third party providers will receive your IP address. We have no control over the use of this data by the third party providers. In these instances, we refer to the privacy statements of the relevant provider.

    We use Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. 1600, Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA („Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies. The information pertaining to your user behaviour, which is created by the cookie, is generally transferred to and saved on a Google server in the USA. In the European Union, your IP address will first be shortened and thus anonymised or at least pseudonymised. The full IP address is only transferred to a Google server in exceptional circumstances, where it is then shortened. Google uses this information to evaluate the website, to create reports on website activity and provide other services to the website owner, regarding website use and internet use. The IP address, transferred from your browser within the scope of Google Analytics, is not combined with other google data. In this regard, please also take note of Google’s privacy statement, in particular the information which can be accessed via both of following links:
    — and 
  6. Social network Facebook

    We use Facebook social plug-ins of the social network Facebook, operated by Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square Dublin 2, Ireland, and Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA. These plug-ins are buttons with which Facebook measures who uses our website. If the user is also registered as a user with Facebook and is logged into their account, then Facebook will also save further information. For technical reasons, Facebook receives your IP address. We have no control over the use of this data by Facebook. In this instance, we refer to the privacy statements of Facebook which can be accessed via the following link:
    You will also be able to access other information there, such as how you can block Facebook social plug-ins with your browser. 
  7. Contact

    You can request access to your personal data, saved by us, at any time and free of charge. As the person concerned, you have a right to retraction, information, deletion, correction and restriction of your personal data, provided we are not bound by a statutory requirement to preserve these records.

    Consequences of retraction: Deletion (in case of non-preserve of records).

    For more information regarding your rights as the person concerned, please contact us under office(at)id-incoming(dot)at We are happy to help. The Austrian Data Protection Authority (DSB) Wickenburggasse 8-10, 1080 Vienna is responsible for complaints, as the relevant regulatory authority.
  8. Other

    We have implemented organisational and technical protective measures in places which we continually evaluate and adapt where necessary, to protect your personal data which is saved and processed by us.
    We reserve the right to change this privacy statement at any time to adapt to new developments. The new version is valid from date of publication on our website. The current version of the privacy statement can be viewed on our website via, our imprint via Source: